With more than a decade of presence in the country, VíasChile has established itself, by volume of traffic, as the largest highway operator in the country, with the management of 640 kilometers of highways distributed in four interurban concessions in the Metropolitan, Valparaiso and Coquimbo.
The continuous process of internationalization has led Abertis to be present in 13 countries in Europe and America, which allows it to diversify its geographical risk and better adapt to global economic cycles.
In 2016, INVIN materializes the purchase of the remaining 50% of Autopista Central from the Canadian AIMCO, with which VíasChile becomes the controller of this company.
During 2019, the mergers were completed that allowed the VíasChile Group to now have 100% control of the six concessions.
During 2021, Sociedad Concesionaria Autopista Central S.A. signed the supplementary agreement for the Lo Ruiz Tunnel project with the Ministry of Public Works.
We manage road concessions in a sustainable and efficient way, providing mobility solutions to connect people and for the sustainable development of the country, creating value for our clients, communities, collaborators and shareholders.
We work with dynamism and commitment, prioritizing our work to find creative and efficient solutions, proactively seeking continuous improvement.
• We take charge
• We work with agility and commitment
• We are efficient and creative
We know the needs of our clients, collaborators and interest groups, to build relationships of trust based on transparency and credibility.
• We are customer oriented
• We are transparent
• We transmit credibility
We exercise effective leadership, regardless of the position we hold in the organization, anticipating and adapting to the challenges and changes we face.
• We promote dialogue and collaboration
• We exercise leadership and empathy
• We trust people
Grow with Sustainability
Focus on the Customer
Be Efficient and Work with Excellence
Being a reference in the industry
Managing Director
Internal Audit and Risk Management Department
Managing Director
Processes and Environment Management
Operations Department
Legal Advice and Compliance Department
Management Control and Administration Department
Management Control and Administration Department
Management Control and Administration Department
Legal Advice and Compliance Department
Finance and Development Directorate
Engineering and Construction Management
Institutional Relations and Sustainability Management